Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is a bothersome – often burdensome – thing that keeps you from doing all the things you need – and want – to do.

We know that a prolapse diagnosis can be devastating for so many reasons. But please believe us when we say that your body CAN get back to the point where daily activities feel normal again. From taking care of the kids, to exercising, to just being upright and walking.

Your amazing body DOES have the capacity to learn, heal, and be re-trained. With clear guidance from us and a good dose of dedication from you, your list of “don’ts” will get shorter, while your list of “dos” will increase.

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How services can help

POP is a condition which can be effectively managed with strategies taught by a pelvic health physiotherapist. We may be biased, but for mild and moderate prolapses, you really should work with us first.

In fact, the body of research evidence recommends conservative management (ie. pelvic floor training) as the first strategy for treating pelvic organ prolapse.

At our clinic, we take a multi-pronged treatment approach. We want to get to know you and understand your story. We want to know how prolapse is affecting your life, what you have tried, and what your ultimate goals are. We’ll ask questions about your pelvic health and look at your overall health as well.

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How it works:

  1. We start with a comprehensive physiotherapy evaluation – looking at your pelvic floor in the context of your entire body.
  2. We retrain your pelvic floor. We teach it whatever it needs (whether strengthening, improved coordination, or learning to let go).
  3. We analyze other elements of your pressure system which are impacting your pelvic floor (such as your breathing, daily movements and positions, toileting habits, and more).
  4. We talk about your lifestyle and strategize around ways to complete your daily tasks (work, childcare, etc) while boosting your pelvic health.
  5. We discuss what makes you happy and thrive (eg. working out, hobbies and sports, long walks, etc) and strategize ways you can continue to participate in these.
  6. We help you figure out how your brain and nervous system may be impacting your sensory experience of prolapse – and how to make it better.
  7. We might recommend you do a trial run with a pessary – and if it helps, you may consider using it temporarily or as a longer term option. The goal is to help support your pelvic floor recovery and healing.

How to book

We always recommend you speak with your GP about any symptoms you are experiencing. However, you do not need a referral to see us. Simply get in touch or click the link below to book your first consultation.
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