
If you’re living with endometriosis, you’ve likely spent years seeing different health professionals, trying different hormones and medications to help alleviate your pain. You may feel robbed of energy, productivity and have stopped doing the activities that you love.

Pelvic floor physiotherapy won’t erase your endometriosis. However, we can help you find sustainable solutions to your debilitating endo pain and symptoms, helping you to live well and with less pain.

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How services can help

We start by getting to know you and understanding your experiences. We want to know how endometriosis is affecting your life, what you have tried and what your goals are. We’ll ask questions about your pelvic health and look at your bigger health picture too.

After this, our thorough assessment looks into all aspects of how your body works – your postures, movements, breathing systems, pelvic floor and abdominal wall tissues, pain systems, connective tissues.

We work with you to create a custom program that fits with you and your life – hands on strategies, home exercise programmes, practical advice. All designed to help you live better, even with a diagnosis of endometriosis.

How to book

We always recommend you speak with your GP about any symptoms you are experiencing. However, you do not need a referral to see us. Simply get in touch or click the link below to book your first consultation.
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