Cervicogenic Headaches

There are over 300 different types of headaches, often with very similar symptoms. They can impact on your ability to concentrate, hold conversations, work, enjoy your day-to-day life… you name it, a headache can impact on it!

Head or face pain that originates from the joints or soft tissues in the neck, is known as a cervicogenic headache. We’re here to help identify whether the neck is a source of your headache and work with you to alleviate the symptoms.

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How services can help

First of all we get to know you and how your symptoms are affecting your life. We want to know what treatments you may have tried, what investigations you may have had and what may have helped.

Following a detailed assessment, we can then determine whether any structures in your neck are referring pain into your head and/or your face. Your treatment may then include hands on therapy, addressing any postural factors, ergonomic (workplace) influences, activity modifications and a bespoke home exercise programme to complement your time in clinic with us.

How to book

We always recommend you speak with your GP about any symptoms you are experiencing. However, you do not need a referral to see us. Simply get in touch or click the link below to book your first consultation.
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