Diastasis Recti

Diastasis recti is known by many names – ab separation, ‘mummy tummy’ – and it can often sound much scarier than it is. Rest assured though that it is a common and very treatable condition.

We follow the most up-to-date research so that we can help you restore your core and get you enjoying the things that are important to you.

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How services can help

Diastasis Rectus Abdominus (DRA) is technically defined as a separation of the rectus abdominus (6 pack) muscle. However, the most current research is showing the problem is less about the separation (the gap) and more about the integrity of the connective tissue (the linea alba) that runs along the middle of the abdominal wall.

The most common cause we see for this is in women who have had one or more babies, where the abdominal wall naturally expands and the muscles move apart to make room for the growing baby. This is completely normal, however for some women postnatally this integrity needs assistance to resolve.

This is where we come in. We evaluation all aspects of your core – your abdominal muscles, your pelvic floor muscles, your breathing and how these are all coordinating together. We look at your posture, your day-to-day movements, your bodies ability to manage and distribute pressure through the abdominals.

We don’t obsess about the gap and we don’t want you to either. We focus on rebuilding the integrity of your abdominal wall, the quality of your movement and restoring the function of your core.

How to book

We always recommend you speak with your GP about any symptoms you are experiencing. However, you do not need a referral to see us. Simply get in touch or click the link below to book your first consultation.
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