Pelvic Girdle Pain / Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction

You’re pregnant and looking forward to doing all the pregnancy things, only to find that painful and limited movement is cramping your style!

Pelvic girdle pain affects your ability to work, move and often enjoy your pregnancy. There is the misconception that pelvic pain is a normal part of pregnancy and will only get better when your baby arrives. We disagree. Pelvic girdle pain is actually quite treatable!

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How services can help

We start by getting to know you and understanding your experiences. We want to understand why you have pain and why your movement is restricted. We evaluate how your whole body is moving and work with you to put together a customised treatment programme.

This may include hands-on therapy, education on how to move throughout your day, home exercises, strengthening and mobility training, strategies to decrease tension in the pelvis or advise on support garments such as pelvic belts or bands.

Our goal is to help you move well, move often and move without pain so that you can focus your energy on what matters – getting ready to meet your baby!

How to book

We always recommend you speak with your GP about any symptoms you are experiencing. However, you do not need a referral to see us. Simply get in touch or click the link below to book your first consultation.
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