Bladder Issues

Bladder problems such as leakage or urgency can impact nearly every aspect of your life. They can be embarrassing, frustrating and disruptive, and you can start to wonder if you can ever leave the house without planning for the next bathroom.

But you are not alone. We are here to help you get the control back so that YOU are the one running your life, not your bladder!

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How services can help

We treat conditions such as bladder incontinence, urgency, overactive bladder (OAB), voiding hesitance, urinary retention or pain with urination / defecation.

We start by getting to know you and understanding how your symptoms are affecting your life. We want to know what you have tried, ask you questions about your pelvic health and look at your bigger health picture as well.

We ask what your goals are so that we can optimise your pelvic health and help you regain control with your bladder.

How to book

We always recommend you speak with your GP about any symptoms you are experiencing. However, you do not need a referral to see us. Simply get in touch or click the link below to book your first consultation.
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