During these changing times at the moment, our Physiotherapy sessions have all been taken online. Now I know what you’re thinking… how can this actually work?! Will it really still help you?!
Physiotherapy is thought of as a very ‘hands on’ profession, so how can we assess, treat AND.most importantly help you on the path to recovery, without actually being ‘hands on’?
There has been a lot of research into the effectiveness of online Physiotherapy, and it has shown to be as effective as in person care. Why is this? Well a huge part of the Physiotherapy process is about listening to you, understanding you symptoms and delving into some of the causes, triggers and reasons why this may be occurring. With a virtual consultation we are still able to assess your movement, strength, function, posture, workstation… and provide you with expert advice, exercise, and self-management techniques to aid your rehab and recovery.
What we can help with:
New injuries: Got an injury that you are worried about, not sure what to do at home and would like some assessment and advice? We can review the history, assess virtually and come up with a good management plan for home
Ongoing rehab: If you were having rehab or physio and this has been stopped and virtual support is not offered, we can review your physio so far, assess virtually where you are at and help progress your rehab at home with exercises and advice on the next steps.
Working from home: We can review any homework stations to provide input on best setup to cope with the new hours.
Women’s Health: Although we cannot do a physical pelvic floor examination, talking through your history and completing a physical assessment will allow us to provide education and advice on: diagnosis, prognosis, your anatomy, your pain (what, why, how to settle), normal function and how to return to this, management of pregnancy-related aches and pains, birth preparation, how to improve healing postpartum, optimising pelvic floor and bladder and bowel function, diastasis recovery and abdominal muscle retraining.
Pilates 1:1 sessions: We will kick off with an assessment of what you want from the sessions, goals, previous medical history and ask you to go through some key functional tests to guide us on the level you can work at. The sessions will then cover a wide variety of Pilates exercises on the mat or floor, sitting, standing or if you have some equipment at home using this.
The physiotherapists have hundreds of exercises in their brains so will keep the sessions varied to keep you interested and can make them gentle for those that need that right up to burning and sweat inducing if that is the goal!
How does it work?
- Either book online at a time that works for you or send us an email to arrange an appointment. We will then send you a link inviting you to an online, secure, video ‘meeting room’. If you have any other preferred platforms, we can easily use those.
- At the time of your appointment, click on the link and connect either via phone or laptop, and ensure that we can see and hear each other well. We can advise you on the room set up and any equipment that may be needed.
- We will then talk through the history of your problem and take a detailed associated medical history (this is often the most important and informative part of physiotherapy assessment anyway)
- We will give you a thorough physical assessment by watching you move and complete different tests that we will talk you through.
- Following this, we will give you a diagnosis and prognosis and discuss the best treatment plan.
- We will provide you with expert education, advice, home treatment ideas and graded exercise programs to get you on the road to recovery. Any exercises we advise can be emailed to you after the consultation so you always have them to refer back to.
- We can keep catching up with you with regular virtual follow-up appointments as needed, to keep progressing your treatment and get you out of pain and/ or functioning normally again.
15 minute consultations (advice only): free
45 minute consultations – £30
We want you to come out of this challenging period feeling strong, confident in your movement and symptom free.
If you would like to book an online session then these can be booked at a time that suits you, from the comfort of your own home! Or simply get in touch to discuss your requirements.